Courses and Subjects by Faculty

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    Languages Faculty

    Language development is essential to intellectual growth. It enables us to make sense of the world around us. The ability to use spoken and written language effectively is fundamental to learning and to effective participation in society and the workforce. English, English for Speakers of Other Languages, Media Studies and the languages, Maori and Spanish, both oral and written, are offered by the Languages Faculty. The pursuit of an alternative language provides personal, social, economic and cultural benefits.
    Courses 2026
    Year 11 Year 12 Year 13
    NCEA Level 1 NCEA Level 2 NCEA Level 3
    L1 Spanish
    L1 English L2 English
    L2 English Internal L3 English Internal
    L3 English External
    L1 Te Reo Māori L2 Te Reo Māori L3 Te Reo Māori
    L2 Media Studies L3 Media Studies