Notices -

Monday 12th of August, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Enviro club on today k5 Mon 12 Aug lunch RIV
  Enviro in K5 at lunch

All Irish Band S2 Tue 13 Aug Interval SLA
  Irish Band rehearsal in S2 at Morning Tea on Tuesday

All Orchestra S2 Tue 13 Aug Lunchtime/Whanau SLA
  Orchestra at lunchtime in S2 on tuesday

Notices Staff
All BOT Student Rep Nominations BIS
  Don't forget, if you are wanting to be nominated for the next BOT Student Rep, then collect a nomination form from Student Services. Nominations close on Friday, 16 August. Mrs Bissett - Returning Officer

All Jump Jam Practice TODAY during Whanau RHO
  For the students who are involved in Jump Jam you have practice TODAY during Whanau. Orange Bus Bay, Purple Old Gym, Green Dance room, Red Drama Room, Blue New Gym and Yellow Hall Foyer.

All Pacific students Performing at WW Primary on Friday HUT
  Mauri, Pacific students who are attending the WW Primary performance on Friday.... Please go to the Drama room at the beginning of lunch Tuesday to practice for Friday and to confirm names and numbers.

All Purple House jump jam practice! LOL
  Kia ora Purple people! Jump jam practice is on today in the old gym - see you there! :)

All Saxophone/Clarinet Lessons - Cancelled today LOG
  Lessons cancelled today

All Sports Trophy Return JAK
  Great job to all those that have brought back their Sport trophies. Please keep them coming and drop to the Sports Department at the top of the stairs. Thanks

Year 13 Reminder JES
  This is a reminder that ALL Year 13s are to stay at school for the whole school day, including lunch time and study periods this week and next week.