Notices -

Tuesday 13th of August, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Irish Band S2 Tue 13 Aug Interval SLA
  Irish Band rehearsal in S2 at Morning Tea on Tuesday

All Orchestra S2 Tue 13 Aug Lunchtime/Whanau SLA
  Orchestra at lunchtime in S2 on tuesday

Notices Staff
All 2025 Subject Selections (Current Year 10-12) BLY
  A reminder that B12 is open at lunchtime for students in Year 10-12 to make their subject selections for 2025. Students need to select their subjects by 3:30pm on Thursday.

All BOT Student Rep Nominations BIS
  Don't forget, if you are wanting to be nominated for the next BOT Student Rep, then collect a nomination form from Student Services. Nominations close on Friday, 16 August. Mrs Bissett - Returning Officer

All Jump Jamp Practice TODAY during Whanau RHO
  For the students who are involved in Jump Jam you have practice TODAY during Whanau. Orange Bus Bay, Purple Old Gym, Green Dance room, Red Drama Room, Blue New Gym and Yellow Hall Foyer.

All Pacific students Performing at WW Primary on Friday HUT
  Mauri, Pacific students who are attending the WW Primary performance on Friday.... Please go to the Drama room at the beginning of lunch Tuesday to practice for Friday and to confirm names and numbers.

All Scandretts Planting HUT
  Morena Koutou, come and spend half a day planting at Scandretts. This is a chance for you to be part of helping restore this beautiful park to its original glory. A chance for you to serve your local community. Get stuck in and join us. Please get your permission letter in, or if you have lost it, grab one from student services.

All Sports prefects and sport council members - CC zone day BLL
  Can the members that are helping with the North Harbour Cross Country Zone day please meet at lunch time today to go over the plans for the event.

All Trapping LAS
  Trapping is on Wednesday lunchtime.

All trappers please go to the portacom at the start of lunch on Wednesday.

Junior School Cross Country zone day BRG
  To all students running at the Cross Country zone day on Wednesday can you please meet in the old gym at lunchtime.

Thank you.