Friday, 7 February 2025 | Term 1 | Week
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# Time Memory Function Location
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Day | Views 1270
What is Yellow Ribbon and Peer Mediators
Some people may ask themselves what is yellow ribbon and who are the peer mediators?
In short its “students helping students”, with the aim of creating a bully free school. To do this we focus more on the year 7 & 8 group of students with each class having a team of trained mediators assigned to them, these teams of mediators interact with the students and also patrol the junior school during lunchtimes. By doing this it creates greater interaction between the junior and senior school and helps eliminate bullying within the junior playground, the team of mediators also are trained to aid students in resolving conflicts they may have between each other.
This year we had a team of 26 mediators who were all trained by Christina Barruel when she visited our school at the beginning of term 1. Later that term we held a yellow ribbon mufti day and raised an awesome $1200 for yellow ribbon. 
Later in the year, in term 3, a group of 8 mediators headed down into Auckland for the ‘cool schools symposium’, a huge range of schools came to this symposium all who are involved in the peer mediation programme within their schools. It was awesome to meet heaps of new people here who had the same aims as us for schools, from so many different schools, backgrounds, and cultures. We were lucky enough to listen to some inspirational people who had taken their time to talk to us such as Divya Dhar who has achieved astounding things worldwide and nationally in her mere 24 years of age, and was youth person of the year. 
I have really enjoyed my time within the mediation programme this year and its allowed me to meet so many people within the school I never would have if not for the programme. I’ve really noticed this year how important the programme is within the school, all that it needs now is greater promotion within the school, as many students i talked to had no idea what Peer mediation was all about.
A huge thanks goes out to Mr Dowling, as without him the peer mediation programme wouldn’t be possible, and an even bigger thanks to the team of dedicated mediators i had with me this year. I can defiantly see there are some up-and-coming leaders within the programme and its reassuring so many people are supporting it. Best of luck to all of you for next year.
-Samantha Blackwell