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  • The Quad and B Block

  • Forever After - Senior Show 2015

  • The Hall and Wharenui

  • Plenty of Open spaces

  • The Remembrance Garden - We will Remember them

  • Mahurangi College with Warkworth behind

Friday, 7 February 2025 | Term 1 | Week
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Day | Views 681

Cyberbullying and Internet Safety- What can we do?


The NZ Herald is running a series in the week of Jun 13-19 about cyberbullying and internet safety. We will attempt to link the articles here to assist anyone interested in finding out what it is and how it is affecting people today and young people in particular, and what young people and parents can do to prevent harm being caused by cyberbullying. Some of the key points to arise from the articles so far are that cyber-bullying is widespread, that parents of perpetrators and victims are often unaware, and that when there are issues, young people and parents need to talk about what is happening. Our school counsellors are always available to give support where our students are involved, even if it happened out of school.

NZ Herald - Lets stop CyberBullying #STOPTHEHATE

Why would you want to make people feel stink

Cyberbullying: So you've become a meme

It eats at you: a victim speaks out

Teen Girls at most risk of cyberbullying

Embarrassing photos shared without permission


Bullying and Cyberbullying Facts, Help & Advice