Friday, 7 February 2025 | Term 1 | Week
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Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
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Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
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Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
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Day | Views 7005
Friends of Mahu - Our Families Supporting Our College
A warm welcome to you, your child and your family to Mahurangi College. ‘Friends of Mahu’ encompasses the massive group of parents and caregivers that get involved in the many facets of school life and strive to help make a difference to the students at Mahurangi College. This includes coaching sports teams, helping on school trips and events, helping with school productions and stage challenge, fundraising, being a reader/writer etc.  A smaller group of parents and staff form the core of ‘Friends of Mahu’, and are responsible for some of the co-ordinating involved when undertaking events and fundraising. We try to have a fairly relaxed approach, with a broad focus and not too many formal meetings. 
As a Group, our 4 Key Aims Are: 
- Supporting our College
- Linking Families and our College
- Welcoming new families to our College
- Improving opportunities for our students through resources
You can get involved as much as you wish.  
 Becoming involved with Friends of Mahu is a great way to connect with and support the school community.  We welcome all levels of involvement – attending meetings, helping with activities, signing on for our regular email updates – whatever suits you.
Getting involved is easier than you think!
Just send us an email at  [email protected] indicating if you are happy to be involved in any of the following ways:
- providing baking (for a fundraiser or catered event)
- catering assistance (help prepare food and serve cups of tea at various events)
- event volunteer (assist with events such as parent information evenings)
- fundraising volunteer (assist with fundraising endeavors - currently we aim to have 1 fundraiser per year)
- committee member (Meetings are held approx twice a term -  help decide where funds are spent and assist with organising events and/or fundraisers)
- please keep me in the loop (you will go on the Friends of Mahu distribution list and receive emails about upcoming events, the minutes and reports from our regular meetings, as well as the occasional request for help)
Coming up soon - keep an eye out for more info...
Next FOM meeting will be in 2017
Current Committee Members (as at Feb 2015):
Chair – Lisa Bindon
Secretary – Jo Hathaway
Treasurer – Sonya Smith
Staff Rep - Christina Merrick
Student Rep 2016 - Molly Hutchinson