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  • The Quad and B Block

  • Forever After - Senior Show 2015

  • The Hall and Wharenui

  • Plenty of Open spaces

  • The Remembrance Garden - We will Remember them

  • Mahurangi College with Warkworth behind

Friday, 7 February 2025 | Term 1 | Week
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Day | Views 12226

Welcome to the Mahurangi College Careers Department, situated in A4.

We encourage students from all levels of the College to explore career options and access information. The office is open to students before school, interval, lunchtimes and after school for general enquiries. Students can make an appointment to see our careers staff by calling in at these times and parents are most welcome to make an appointment by emailing or phoning.

Careers Advisor:  Cath Johnston    

Careers Administrator:  Lori Yau 

Year 13 Dean:  Cath Johnston 

Year 12 Academic Dean:  Jo Jessop

Year 11 Academic Dean:  Gail Smith 

Year 9/10 Academic Dean: Grainne Kelly Wakeman  and Emily Woodfield

Contact Details: Phone: 09 425 8039 ext 714  Email click beside name

International studies have stressed the importance of good careers guidance. These independent studies, commissioned by the OECD, the World Bank and the European Union, all reached similar conclusions: good careers guidance improves economic efficiency, sustainable employment, lifelong learning and social cohesion. The reports all stressed the need for careers guidance to be available to everyone throughout their lifetime and they highlighted the potential for new technology to assist in that regard. 

In NZ we already have a number of websites that make use of technology to make this advice and guidance accessible to all ages: KiwiCareers, CareerQuest, and CareerPoint. Each of these is accessible through www.careers.govt.nz. The toll free number for CareerPoint is 0800 222 733.

Good careers advice for teenagers, however, starts in the home and at school. At Mahurangi College, Mrs Johnston heads up the careers guidance programmes, supported by the Academic Deans, Careers Admin, and by the Assistant Principal, Mr Blyth. Good careers guidance assists students in making sensible subject choices for future years. It is very motivational for students to achieve well at school to gain access to the various tertiary courses or vocational career options they wish to pursue. Most important is that individual student’s aptitudes and preferences are matched with the career options relevant to that student.