Friday, 7 February 2025 | Term 1 | Week
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Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0004 410256 {main}( ) .../themewide.php:0
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Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0004 410256 {main}( ) .../themewide.php:0
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Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0004 410256 {main}( ) .../themewide.php:0
Day | Views 5298
Rules and Regulations
Rules and regulations are necessary if we are to have an ordered environment where what constitutes acceptable behaviour is clearly understood and where all the members of the school community can feel safe. The aim is to achieve a pleasant and caring atmosphere where people show consideration for others. Adherence to the school and classroom codes will help achieve the desired environment and reduce the need for punitive action.
Information for Parents
Student behaviour at school
•A high priority is given to the rights of teachers to teach and students to learn.
•Infringements of the School Discipline system.
•A student who repeatedly breaks the School Code, who is insolent, persistently disobedient, physically violent or verbally abusive may be stood-down or suspended from school.  Any one incident may warrant a stand-down or suspension.
•Students may be stood-down or suspended from school on the grounds that their attitude and behaviour is having a negative impact on the educational well-being of other students.
•All dangerous materials such as matches, lighters, weapons, sharp or heavy implements or tools are banned. Any such items brought to school would be confiscated permanently.
•Students must not bring valuable items like walkmans/iPods or cell-phones to school. While every care is taken to safeguard students property the school takes no responsibility for lost or stolen property. Students must name all clothing items and other belongings. Families are advised to take out an All Risks Householders' Insurance Policy.
•Students who cause damage to school property through negligence or disregard for rules, such as the use of balls near windows, will be asked to pay for repairs.
•The school is vigourous in ensuring its anti-bullying and anti-violence policies are maintained. Any breaches may lead to stand-down or suspension.
•Smoking is forbidden at all times and pupils apprehended for smoking or found with alcohol or drugs may be liable to instant stand-down or suspension.
•Under the Education Act, attendance at school is compulsory until a child's 16th birthday unless the student is unable to attend because of sickness, danger of infection, sudden and serious illness of a parent or severe stress of weather. The Principal may exempt a student on written application from the parent or caregiver. Senior students should be aware of NZQA regulations regarding absences and course completion.
•All absences should be explained by a note from the parent or caregiver to the whanau teacher on the day of return. Parents should contact the school office if an absence exceeds three days.
•A pass for leaving the school grounds can be issued in exceptional circumstances if a student brings a note from a parent or caregiver. As a general principle all appointments should be made for after school.
Information for students
The school uniform is a symbol of the school to which students belong and of which they can be proud. The school expects students to maintain a high standard of uniform and grooming from the moment they leave their homes until they return home after school. It follows that the school uniform should be worn complete and in a way that reflects credit on both the wearer and the school. Uniform standards are vigourously monitored and students have a responsibility to conform to those standards.
Students at Mahurangi College must abide by two basic codes of behaviour - the School Code and the classroom code.
School Code
•Be neatly dressed with the correct uniform and footwear
•Stay in the school grounds at interval and lunchtime unless you have permission to leave.
•Do not steal, damage or interfere with other's property
•Show respect to others
•Do not hurt people physically or verbally, or use offensive language
•Do not possess or use gum, tobacco, alcohol or harmful drugs or substances at school, or on school trips, or when identified as a member of Mahurangi College
•Take responsibility for the environment by placing all litter in the bins provided
•Obey all of the Classroom Code
Classroom Code
•Attend all classes
•Arrive on time
•Be fully prepared for each class                                  
•Obey the instructions of the teacher
•Do not interrupt the learning of others                      
•Do not eat, drink or chew gum in class
•Respect the classroom environment              
•Follow the School Code
A high standard of conduct is expected while travelling to and from school and opportunities often occur where college pupils are expected to show courtesy and consideration to others.
Students living more than 3.2 kilometres from the College are entitle to free bus transport. Ineligible students who live within 3.2 kilometres may use the school bus service only if there is room. A member of staff is in charge of the organisation of school buses but any major decision is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and the local Transport Network which in turn may delegate authority to the College Principal.
Senior students with driving licences must apply to the College Principal for permission to drive to school.