Eight teams competed in the annual Mahu Lit Challenge, four teams from Mahurangi Year 7 & 8 students and four teams from our contributing primary schools. The emphasis was on enjoying ourselves while answering questions on all aspects of literature covering traditional tales, contemporary and classi... more..
We have all been following the events in Rio and so inspired we decided to stage our own Mahu games. This fun event, organised by two of our library prefects, took place in the library at lunchtime. Students competed in a variety of games, some taking considerable skill such as holding a piece of s... more..
With the main library undergoing repairs, one solution to the limited space available in the temporary library has come in the form of a pop up library. Once a week, boxes of books are loaded into the boot of a car and transported to classrooms across the school. more..
This is the first time students have been given the oppurtunity to judge the long-listed books in the Children and Young Adults sections of the NZ Book Awards. Seven classes are enthusiastically reading and evaluating to choose their top five. more..
Look here for lots of links to useful education and library focussed websites. These are good starting points for your research. more..
Themed displays are changed regularly and often feature non-fiction as well as fiction books. Asha chooses two great reads from the current ‘Dystopian’ book display in our library. more..