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    L3TEC L3 Design Technology 20 credits Yr: 13
    Approximately 14 internal credits and 4 external credits. Projects are designed and constructed, with assessment being split between the product and a portfolio of work. This is a university approved subject.
    Students must have completed level 2 design technology and must have gained a merit or higher in one of the major projects at level 2 or with Head of Faculty approval.
    Learning Strategies:
    Students will be involved in investigation, research, design development, planning, problem solving, evaluating design and production processes. Students will complete practical projects with accompanying design and written work.
    Main Areas of Study:
    This course further expands on level 1 and 2 design technology. Students will be designing, constructing and evaluating a small electric vehicle capable of carrying a single occupant to compete in a competition. In this academic course students will learn essential skills and knowledge preparing them for university study.