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    L3PAI L3 Art Painting 22 credits Yr: 13
    14 credits externally assessed and 8 credits internally assessed. This is a university approved subject.
    $60 course costs includes folio boards, courier for folio boards to Wellington, colour photocopying, specialist art materials, A3 quality painting paper and pencil. A stationery list, including paints and brushes, will be given out at the beginning of the year. Students will be provided with some art supplies and will be given guidelines about purchasing other materials in Term 1.
    Achieved or greater in the external folio board for either level 2 art design, level 2 art painting, level 2 photography or Head of Faculty approval.
    Learning Strategies:
    Painting and the creative arts sector have more to offer now than ever before. With students now able to upload their work on social media and have their own website of their portfolios, students are able to reach out to a wider range of industries and have a successful career within this field. The course work is more in-depth than Y12, with a larger portfolio of work and a higher skill level required. The year is based on tertiary-level course work and provides students with the opportunity to work independently and create a body of work that prepares them for the creative industries.
    Main Areas of Study:
    This course enables senior art students to evolve their individual approach to art-making in a way that supports and empowers personal creative expression. Drawing and painting sequences are used to generate, analyse, clarify and regenerate ideas. Using a study of artists' works students will be able to extend ideas and produce new work using conventions appropriate to the painting media being used. Visual art equips students with transferable skills that can be used in a wide range of tertiary courses and careers.