Courses and Subjects by Faculty

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    L3ODE L3 Outdoor Education 19 credits Yr: 13
    A combination of achievement standards and unit standards. 19 credits all internally assessed. This is not a university approved subject.
    $700 approx which includes multi-day trips including a surf camp, sea kayaking expedition, pinnacles tramp, and an optional trip to Snowplanet. Payment for trips need to be made prior to the trip commencing, and all activities / trips must be attended to meet course requirements.
    An interest in and positive attitude toward outdoor activities and physical exercise, and participation and effort in physical education in previous years.
    Learning Strategies:
    A variety of outdoor activities, group activities, classroom theory, unit tests and self reflection.
    Main Areas of Study:
    An exciting course that will allow students to experience multiple opportunities outside of a traditional classroom. Written work involves the planning, preparation and reflection on the process of trips. This course is delivered through a variety of classroom and practical based sessions. Practical sessions cover a wide variety of sports. This course includes a variety of trips including a 3 day surf camp, a kayak skills session followed by a 2-3 day sea kayak expedition, as well as 1-2 night tramping trip. There is an optional trip to Snowplanet. All activities / trips must be attended to meet course requirements.