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    L3MAS L3 Mathematics with Statistics 20 credits Yr: 13
    8 credits externally assessed and 12 credits internally assessed. This is a university approved subject.
    Approximately $35 for workbook. A Casio Fx 9570 (or fx 9560) graphics calculator is beneficial and a BYOD laptop is essential. Graphics calculators can be hired from school for a cost of $30 for the year. Students wishing to hire a graphics calculator must fill out the form available at student services.
    Students who have historically been successful on thms course have come to us with a minimum of 14 course credits at level 2 with merit or higher in the level 2 external probability paper AND Merit or higher for 'Inference' or "Experiments". Students who do not meet these criteria may be considered under discussion with the Head of Faculty.
    Learning Strategies:
    The main theme in this course is producing and interpreting statistical reports and involves a good deal of online research and fact finding. Students will run experiments as a group and will also be expected to present their findings verbally as well as through extended essays. Students in this course will learn how to use technology to number crunch, leaving them free to delve more deeply into the story that the data tells. Because this number crunching is done using technology it is essential that students have a laptop computer.
    Main Areas of Study:
    Students will cover a range of statistics and probability methods to prepare them for further study at university level. All of the internal assessments require students to prepare a statistical report and so essay writing skills are also important for success in this course.