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    L3GWY L3 Gateway 20 credits Yr: 13
    All internally assessed unit standards mainly at Level 3 with some at Level 2. The level of the standards is determined by those available for the industry training. This is not a university approved subject.
    This will be dependent on their Gateway placement but much of the expense is covered by Gateway funding.
    NCEA level 2 or by negotiation with the HoD.
    Students MUST be work ready.
    Good attendance, ability to time manage and a positive attitude is essential.

    This course is open to level 3 students and the number of students eligible is dependent on numbers pre approved by the Ministry of Education. It is a requirement that each student finds their own work placement before the course begins. (Funding is dependent on students achieving a minimum of 20 credits at any level in the previous year of the course.)
    Learning Strategies:
    Practical and workbook activities including one day a week in a relevant work placement.
    Main Areas of Study:
    This course is the gateway to the working world and enables students to spend one day per week working towards a traineeship in a career of their choice.

    The course includes 'Occupational Health and Safety' units, a First Aid certificate, work ready standards, as well as relevant industry based unit standards.