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    L3BIO L3 Biology 19 credits Yr: 13
    8 credits externally assessed and up to 10 credits internally assessed. This is a university approved subject.
    One trips (approximately $50)- to Auckland zoo to aid with the two external assessments on human evolution and speciation. $25 Biozone Student Workbook.
    12 credits in level 2 biology including at least 4 external credits at merit level or with Head of Faculty approval.
    Learning Strategies:
    Practical investigations, research, thinking, note-taking and essay writing. This is an academic course for students who intend to continue on to a tertiary area of study.
    Main Areas of Study:
    In this course, students report on human physiology, a contemporary socio-scientific issue, and plant biology. Specifically, they will investigate the structural and functional components of a human body system and discuss how this enables animals to maintain a stable internal environment. They will refine their data collection and observation skills when they independently carry out a laboratory-based experimental investigation in a biological context. Additionally, they will demonstrate their research and analysis skills when using their biological knowledge to respond to a socio-scientific issue relevant to New Zealand.

    In preparation for the externally assessed examinations, students develop their knowledge and understanding of speciation and evolutionary processes within a New Zealand context. Trends in human evolution, including biological and cultural evolution are also explored. Both of these topics are academically supported by a field trip to participate in tutorials run through Auckland Zoo, tailored specifically to the external examinations.