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    L2TEC L2 Design Technology 20 credits Yr: 12
    16 internal credits and 4 external credits. Projects are designed and constructed, with assessment being split between the product and student explanation of their method and decisions via interview.
    Students must have completed the level 1 technology course and must have gained a merit or higher in one of the major projects at level 1 or with Head of Faculty approval. Note that this course uses the same standards as creative technology, and so students cannot do both courses.
    Learning Strategies:
    Students will be involved in investigation, research, design development, planning, problem solving, evaluating design and production processes. Students will complete practical projects with accompanying design and written work.
    Main Areas of Study:
    This course expands on the essential skills and knowledge students developed in level 1 technology. This course is for students who are interested in product design and innovation, and engineering. Students will complete a practical project with supporting research and design work. Projects will include some hands-on skills, and advanced technology such as an introduction to electric vehicles. This course is an academic technology program offering only achievement standards and is part of a university pathway.