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    L2BUS L2 Business Studies 19 credits Yr: 12
    15 credits internally assessed and 4 are externally assessed.
    $50 for field trips. Students will need to fund their business that they run at market day.
    Achieved in one of the writing assessments in L1 commerce or from level 1 English or Head of Faculty approval.
    Attendance is taken into consideration as a large portion of this course is group work.
    Learning Strategies:
    Creative thinking, solution management, independent research, team work, decision-making and investigation through the practical application of business skills.
    Main Areas of Study:
    Students will gain knowledge and a practical working experience of how a large business works incorporating all the functions of a business, including marketing/sales, finance, operations and human resources. They will also apply business knowledge to solve operational problems and examine leadership and motivational strategies within a business. During the year the students will develop a new business idea, conduct market research to ascertain its potential and then launch and run the business. The students will study leadership and motivation strategies in the workplace. The students will also visit a large New Zealand business.