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    L1WRS L1 Work Ready Skills 29 crs(TBC) Yr: 11
    This is a unit standard course and is fully internally assessed. This is not a university entrance pathway course.
    Students who need additional literacy and numeracy support will be placed into this class. This may include those who have not passed the reading and writing literacy co-requisites. Recommendation by Head of Faculty and Head of Year.
    Learning Strategies:
    Students will engage in discussion, undertake personal research which will all be supplemented with relevant work that will enable students to achieve in assessments. The assessments chosen will help students with their literacy and numeracy.
    Main Areas of Study:
    This course is aimed at providing students with an understanding about the world around them and helping them to prepare for the life outside of the school community. The key areas of study will focus on the basic financial skills of budgeting, understanding elements of a positive workplace environment and employee rights. We will also focus on producing a CV and preparing students for that all important interview.