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    L1PE1 L1 Physical Education 10 credits Yr: 11
    Achievement standard course. 10 credits (5 internal, 5 external)
    $100. This includes snowboarding or skiing at Snowplanet, as well as exercise activities facilitated external providers.
    A high level of participation and effort in year 10 physical education or by negotiation with Head of Faculty.
    Learning Strategies:
    Students will learn by participating in practical contexts, discussing physical movement, and reflecting on performance. This course is approximately 60% practical lessons and 40% theory lessons.
    Main Areas of Study:
    L1PE1 offers students opportunities to improve movement skills through participating in a range of physical contexts. Through these experiences, students develop an understanding of influences on participation and movement. Students will also explore strategies that promote effective teamwork / kotahitanga and develop knowledge about the biophysical, te ao maori, and sociocultural influences on movements. This course provides the grounding for future academic PE courses.