Courses and Subjects by Faculty

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    L1PAI L1 Painting/Multi-Media 10 credits Yr: 11
    5 credits externally assessed and 5 credits internally assessed.
    $50 course costs includes colour photocopying, printmaking material, speciality art material, quality painting paper, folio boards and pencils. A stationery list, including paints and brushes, will be provided at the beginning of the year. Students will be provided with some art supplies and will be given guidelines about purchasing other materials in Term 1.
    No prerequisites.
    Learning Strategies:
    This course will focus on a range of traditional and contemporary drawing and painting skills and techniques, print making and multi-media digital processes. Students will study a range of visual art-making projects throughout the year. These will focus on the concept of Turangawaewae through our local histories as well as other global contexts. The course will inspire creative thinking and include exploring a range of mixed wet and dry media as well as learning digital photographic manipulation within the Abode Suite, or similar programmes. It will also focus on the creative process which will build on skills taught from Year 7-10.
    Main Areas of Study:
    This course will include a range of teaching and learning styles it will include practical tasks and written annotations with a visual presented portfolio and folio board.

    Students at level 1 can take either L1 Art Design/Photography or L1 Art Painting/Photography but they cannot take both.