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    L1HEA L1 Health Studies 10 credits Yr: 11
    Achievement Standards - 1 internal standard (5 credits) and 1 external standard (5 credits)
    $120 approx. kayak trip
    A high level of participation and effort in year 10 health or by negotiation with Head of Faculty.
    Learning Strategies:
    This course will include a range of teaching and learning styles. There will be a focus on developing research and critical thinking skills. The course develops students' understanding of the key health concepts.
    Main Areas of Study:
    The level 1 health studies course offers students the opportunity to explore holistic models of health and wellbeing. Students will develop understanding of a variety of health-promotion actions that are needed at personal, interpersonal, and societal levels to enhance hauora. Students will also explore health related issues in New Zealand and develop decision making processes.