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    L1GEO L1 Geography 10 credits Yr: 11
    10 credits assessed against NCEA standards (1 internal and 1 external).
    Approximately $390 for a field trip to examine geothermal management in Rotorua. These costs can be spread across the duration of the course.
    Attendance on the field trip is dependant upon student behaviour and engagement prior to the trip.
    Learning Strategies:
    This course will include a range of teaching and learning styles. It will also include embedded geographical skills and concepts. The course is designed to build on the key skills and concepts covered in year 9 & 10 social studies. There will be a field trip in Term 2 to Rotorua to provide students with context for their assessment.
    Main Areas of Study:
    This course will focus heavily on reading, writing and specific geographical skills such as mapping and resource interpretation.
    For the internal, students will examine different spatial patterns associated with extreme natural event such as; flooding, storms or geophysical events. This will have a global context and introduce students to different extreme natural events (ENEs), disparities in development and national response abd mitigation of ENEs.

    Students will gain knowledge and unerstanding on the natural processes that operate in the Rotorua geothermal region. This will have a local context and examine different uses of geothermal resources, past and present. The topic will examine different perspectives on the use of geothermal resources today and the management of these resources and their implications for society, cultural groups and businesses. This topic will incorporate a 3 day field trip to Rotorua to provide enriched experiences for students to witness geothermal resources in action and provide differing perspectives on the importance of these resources as a taonga.