Notices -

Monday 9th of September, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Irish Band S2 Tue 10 Sep Morning Tea SLA
  Irish Band is cancelled today

All Orchestra S2 Tue 10 Sep Lunchtime/Whanau SLA
  Orchestra is cancelled today

All Saxophone Ensemble Music Practice Room 6 (Purple Rm) Mon 9 Sep Interval SLA
  Saxophone Ensemble practice in Music Practice Room 6 (Purple) at interval on Monday

Year 13 Lincoln University Course Planning B9 Tue 10 Sep 1.15pm WIJ
  The rescheduled Lincoln University Course Planning Session will be held during lunchtime TOMORROW in B9. If you have applied to Lincoln University, you must come along to choose the papers you will be studying next year. Bring your lunch and your device!

Notices Staff
  Come along and use your imagination to create some tinfoil figures for our walls.
11th SEPT

All Cultural Blues HAT
  Cultural Blues close next Monday 16th September. Please go to the school website to make your application

All Duke of Edinburgh BUR
  This is a notice for all Duke of Edinburgh students that there will be a meeting with Mr Burton in A11 at Interval to discuss the Adventurous Journey options for this year. Please meet in A11 at Interval. There will also be an option to meet and plan on Monday after school in A11 to catch up on any work required or ask any questions involved with Duke of Edinburgh. Any new students who are wanting to join are welcome.

All NCEA Literacy & Numeracy Assessments SCL
  Some Year 10, 11 and 12 students are sitting important NCEA exams this week for their literacy and numeracy co-requisites. Students will be sitting the assessments they did not pass from last term on the following days:

Numeracy Tuesday 10th September
Literacy Reading Wednesday 11th September
Literacy Writing Thursday 12th September

Year 10 students will sit them period 1/2 and Year 11/12 students will sit them period 3/4.

These are happening in B Block and students need to meet on the B block quad, prior to the assessments starting.

Senior School Job Vacancies WIJ
  Please be reminded that there is a 'Job Vacancies Classroom' that you are welcome to join if you are looking for a job!
Classroom Code is: aaggkkb

There is a display cabinet outside A4 where all jobs are advertised too!

Senior School Senior Exams TEN
  A reminder to all Senior Students that they have been sent an exam timetable via their school email, the timetable is available on the school website and there are paper copies available from Student Services. You must check it to see if you have any exam clashes and if you have then you must see Mr Tennant about the clash by Thursday to organise and an alternative time for one of the exams. This is very important to do by Thursday.

  ALL Year 11 students to meet outside the hall TODAY during whanau. You MUST bring your device charged, ready to use.