Notices -

Wednesday 4th of September, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Waterpolo training Pool Fri 6 Sep 1:15 LOL
  Kia ora waterpolo teams! Training is on this Friday for both teams during lunch on Friday- please be prompt :)

Senior School Creative Careers Workshop - CANCELLED B9 Wed 4 Sep 1.15pm WIJ
  The Creative Careers Workshop scheduled for today at lunchtime in B9 has been CANCELLED. Watch this space for a new date!

Notices Staff
  Lost property will be displayed outside Student Services this week. Please come and check if you have lost anything

All School Production 2025! DUT
  Next year we're "off to the movies". If you are a student currently in Year 8-12 sign up to our google classroom to be the first to find out about news, auditions and rehearsals. The first clues are already up! The classroom code is xjo2nts.

All Sport Blues awards BLL
  Sport Blues awards applications have been sent out.

Sport Blue Awards is a prestigious distinction that is presented to a student who has achieved outstanding success in sporting activities.

BLUES AWARD CRITERIA: In order to receive a BLUES AWARD the following standards must be met. A Student shall -

Represent at provincial level, e.g Northland, North Harbour, Auckland.

Be in the highest possible Provincial Team specified for that age group or grade.

For individual codes, win a provincial title or be in a specified placing group, e.g placed in the top 3 .

Team sports win provincial title in highest grade e.g Rugby 1A 1st XV competition winner

Be selected for a tournament team at a provincial, regional or national Championship where specified.

All Trapping LAS
  Trapping is on Wednesday at lunchtime. All trappers please go to the portacom at the start of lunch on Wednesday.

Middle School Assembly ASH
  Year 9 & 10 - Pd 3 - Go to your Pd class first, take the roll, then go to the hall with your teacher. Leave your bags in your classroom and at the end of assembly go back and collect them.

Senior School Assembly ASH
  Year 11, 12 & 13 - Pd 2 - Please leave your bags outside under cover.

Senior School Exam Timetable Queries TEN
  A reminder to all Senior Students that they have been sent an exam timetable via their school email, the timetable is available on the school website and there are paper copies available from Student Services. You must check it to see if you have any exam clashes and if you have then you must see Mr Tennant about the clash by Thursday next week to organise and an alternative time for one of the exams. This is very important to do by next Thursday.