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    L3MAT L3 Mathematics 18-21 Crs Yr: 13
    Approximately 18 credits. This course is an internal only course and is not eligible for a subject endorsement. This is a university approved course.
    Approximately $30 for workbooks. A Casio fx 9570 (or fx 9560) graphical calculator is recommended. A scientific calculator is essential if no graphical calculator has been purchased BYOD - Laptop recommended.
    Students who have historically been successful on this course have come to us with a minimum of 14 course credits at level 2 with achieved or higher in any of the level 2 external papers. These students have a 'can do' attitude which is shown by them attempting all external examinations that they are entered for at level 2. Students who do not meet these criteria may be considered under discussion with the Head of Faculty.
    Learning Strategies:
    Students will learn through the utilisation of a range of different learning strategies that include: investigations and discovery learning, group work, directed teaching, practice tasks, regular formative and summative assessment.
    Main Areas of Study:
    Students will cover a range of mathematics that will support further study at university level. This course may include an optional external assessment at the discretion of the teacher. Around half of the course is made up of statistic. standards, which means students must be proficient at writing essays. The other half of the course requires students to hold a basic level of algebra as topics such as linear programming and systems of equations are also part of this course.