Notices -

Wednesday 28th of August, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Irish Band and Orchestra Hall Thu 29 Aug 12.50pm SLA
  Orchestra and Irish Band photos on Thursday in Hall, meet at 12.50pm with your instrument

All Saxophone Ensemble Hall Thu 29 Aug 12.50pm SLA
  Saxophone Ensemble photo after orchestra on thursday. Meet in Hall at 12.50 with your instrument. This has been a late addition to the list. This is for: Reggie Green, Hendrix Connor, Anna Williams-Mart, Mathieu Griffiths, Melody Bedggood and Ronan Corbett.

All Sports & Cultural Photos - Thursday Aug 29 School Hall Thu 29 Aug 8.40am onwards JAK
  The below requirements and procedures are for the Sports & Cultural Photo Day this Thursday August 29

Students are to CHECK the photo schedule for their photo time slot that is displayed at the Sports Department or Student Services

• Teams being photographed in the first half of period 1 can come to school in their sports uniform and head straight to the school hall.

• All Y13 prefects, sport council and sport prefects are to wear their number 1s and head straight to the hall please. 

• Students in teams are to wear your playing strip and sports shoes. Ensure all are clean.

• The following teams are NOT to wear their boots due to sprigs & spikes (Football, Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Touch). 

• No additional sports gear is required for photo’s ie. head gear, shin pads, mouthguards etc. 

• Students can be excused from class 15 mins prior to your photo slot. Please get changed into your sports uniform / playing strip at your nearest toilet block or changing rooms and head to the hall ready to go. 

• Line up with your teams so a sports prefect can mark you off on your team sheet and note down absences.

• Line up with your teams and wait for the photographer to call on you for the photo. This must be done in an orderly fashion as each team only has a 5 minute window for their photograph.

• No jewellery policy applies in the photos.

• Some bigger groups will take longer than others so please be quiet and patient and await your time slot. 

• Students will only be required for your photo and then expected to get changed back into your uniform. Students are required to return their sports uniform to your manager or nominated person. (Excluding teams attending Winter Tournament Week and AIMS)

• Please then head straight back to class once you have returned your sports uniform.

• Cultural Groups will be informed about what their uniform requirements are for the day by their Teacher in Charge

Year 11 2025 Construction Academy School Email Wed 28 Aug N/A MCL
  Can all Year 11 students who have chosen Level 2 Construction Academy as a subject for 2025 please check your school email as important information has been sent out this morning to you.

Notices Staff
  ARCHERY STUDENTS: Sport photo on THURSDAY 29 August. Please meet at the school hall at 12.55 pm for our archery photo at 1.05 pm.

All Fathers Day card making LAN
  Come along on FRIDAY and make dad a special card for FATHERS DAY.

All Library Closed This Week MMA
  The Library will be closed all of this week to prepare for new carpet going down in the Holidays. This includes being shut to students needing the work on the computers in the library or for students to print their work.
The library will also be shut for the first week of next term.

  Daffodil Day Mufti day this Friday - wear yellow, bring a gold coin donation. Donations going towards the Cancer Society.

All Purple people! LOL
  Morena Purple People! A reminder we would love to see you if you are Y7/8 boy at interhouse basketball at lunchtime TODAY but especially if you are:
Magnus Ross
Conor Sinden
Jackson Tua
Caleb Thompson
Kyden Moore
Joaqin Tele
Mahe Iversen
Seth Gray

All Trapping LAS
  Trapping is Wednesday lunchtime. All trappers please go to the portacom at the start of lunch on Wednesdayl.

Junior School Year 7 & 8 BOYS interhouse Basketball is TODAY at lunch in Gyms RHO
  Year 7 & 8 BOYS - Interhouse Basketball is TODAY at lunchtime. See you there

Senior School Assembly ASH
  Year 11, 12 & 13 - Pd 2 - Please leave your bags outside under cover.

Senior School Attention Senior Students TAH
  The following students MUST come and see me (MRS TAHITAHI) either at the beginning of interval or lunchtime today:
Mackenzie Williams, Leo Cuneen, Jade Davies, Finn Gibson, Korbyn Holbrow, Rocco Lee, Oscar O'Brien, Zoe Parry, Murdoch Phillips, Joy Saleupolu, Silas Sims, Niva Smith.

Senior School NCEA Credits for Drivers Licence WIJ
  A reminder that if you have recently gained your Learners or Restricted Drivers Licence, you are able to apply for NCEA Credits. Come to A4 with your photo card Drivers Licence to complete a form.

Year 12 Y13 Camp Great Barrier Island 2025 BUR
  This is a reminder to any Year 12 students who have not signed up and want to attend Y13 Camp next year. There are only 18 spaces left available. Please get your permission slip from Student Services, complete and return to Student Services as soon as possible to avoid missing out. We don't want anyone to miss out on this amazing experience so please see Mr Burton if you require additional support to attend camp.