Notices -

Monday 26th of August, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Irish Band S2 Tue 27 Aug Morning Tea SLA
  Irish Band rehearsal is in S2 at interval on Tuesday

All Orchestra S2 Tue 27 Aug Lunch/Whanau SLA
  Orchestra rehearsal is at lunchtime on Tuesday in S2

All Saxophone students/Sax Group Music Practice Room 6 Mon 26 Aug Morning Tea SLA
  All saxophone students and the Sax performing group as well as those who would like to start saxophone lessons please come to a meeting in Music Practice Room 6 (usual room for lessons) at interval TODAY with Mrs Slaughter.

All Sports & Cultural Photos - Thursday Aug 29 School Hall Thu 29 Aug 8.40am onwards JAK
  The below requirements and procedures are for the Sports & Cultural Photo Day this Thursday August 29

Students are to CHECK the photo schedule for their photo time slot that is displayed at the Sports Department or Student Services

• Teams being photographed in the first half of period 1 can come to school in their sports uniform and head straight to the school hall.

• All Y13 prefects, sport council and sport prefects are to wear their number 1s and head straight to the hall please. 

• Students in teams are to wear your playing strip and sports shoes. Ensure all are clean.

• The following teams are NOT to wear their boots due to sprigs & spikes (Football, Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Touch). 

• No additional sports gear is required for photo’s ie. head gear, shin pads, mouthguards etc. 

• Students can be excused from class 15 mins prior to your photo slot. Please get changed into your sports uniform / playing strip at your nearest toilet block or changing rooms and head to the hall ready to go. 

• Line up with your teams so a sports prefect can mark you off on your team sheet and note down absences.

• Line up with your teams and wait for the photographer to call on you for the photo. This must be done in an orderly fashion as each team only has a 5 minute window for their photograph.

• No jewellery policy applies in the photos.

• Some bigger groups will take longer than others so please be quiet and patient and await your time slot. 

• Students will only be required for your photo and then expected to get changed back into your uniform. Students are required to return their sports uniform to your manager or nominated person. (Excluding teams attending Winter Tournament Week and AIMS)

• Please then head straight back to class once you have returned your sports uniform.

• Cultural Groups will be informed about what their uniform requirements are for the day by their Teacher in Charge

Notices Staff
All Library Closed This Week MMA
  The Library will be closed all of this week to prepare for new carpet going down in the Holidays. This includes being shut to students needing the work on the computers in the library or for students to print their work.
The library will also be shut for the first week of next term.

All Library Predators and Prey Competition winners LAN
  Congratulations to JESSICA MATTHEWS 9B for getting the most answers right in the predators and prey competition.
Please come to the Library and collect your prize.

Junior School Rainbows End Fun Day PRU
  There are only TEN tickets left for the Blue Light Rainbows End Fun Day on Sunday, 8th September. Get your ticket from Student Services so you don't miss out! CASH ONLY please.

Senior School SENIOR Interhouse Basketball is TODAY at lunchtime - RHO
  SENIOR Interhouse Basketball is TODAY at lunchtime. See you there

Year 12 Y13 Camp Great Barrier Island 2025 BUR
  This is a reminder to any Year 12 students who have not signed up and want to attend Y13 Camp next year. There are only 18 spaces left available. Please get your permission slip from Student Services, complete and return to Student Services as soon as possible to avoid missing out. We don't want anyone to miss out on this amazing experience so please see Mr Burton if you require additional support to attend camp.

Year 13 Year 13 Privileges JES
  Year 13s may now go out to lunch and sign out in A4 for period 5 Study only. They are expected to be in period 1 study.