Notices -

Monday 29th of July, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Duke of Edinburgh Old Gym Mon 29 Jul 1:15pm BUR
  Can ALL Duke of Edinburgh participants meet in the Old Gym at lunchtime for a brief meeting on Monday at lunchtime to meet with Mr Burton. Please be prompt!!

All Irish Band S2 Tue 30 Jul Morning tea SLA
  Irish Band rehearsal in S2 at morning tea on Tuesday, all members including Brody Waters please attend in preparation for Open Day on Friday

All Orchestra S2 Tue 30 Jul Lunch/Whanau SLA
  Orchestra rehearsal in S2 at lunchtime on Tuesday, all members please attend in preparation for Open Day on Friday

All Sports Prefects and Council members meeting Sports office Tue 30 Jul 1:20pm BLL
  Can the Sports Prefects and Sport Council members please meet at the sports office at lunch time Tuesday 30th.

Year 12 Tour Guide training J3 Mon 29 Jul 1:35 HOA
  Please meet for your training today in J3 at 1:35 pm today.

Notices Staff
All Dance Showcase tickets ON SALE NOW! WOE
  The Dance Showcase is coming up in week 4 and tickets are already selling fast! Get your tickets now by going to and searching Mahu. Shows are Friday 16 August 7pm and Saturday 17 August 2pm & 6pm. Don't mis out!

All Enviro Club RIV
  Please meet at the garden on Monday.

All Important meeting at interval TODAY for cultural week performers DUT
  There is a meeting in the Drama room TODAY at interval for all of the students and teachers involved in cultural week next week. It is important you are all there so that we can discuss with you what is happening and what you will need for week three.

All Interhouse Jump Jam practices RHO
  For the students who are involved in Jump Jam you have practice TODAY and Wednesday and Friday this Week during Whanau. Here are the venues for the week. Orange Old Gym, Purple Bus Bay, Green Dance room, Red Drama Room, Blue New Gym and Yellow Hall Foyer.

All Purple House jump jam practice LOL
  Kia ora Purple people! Our practice is on today during whanau at the bus bay bring your purple friends :)

All Sports Trophy Return JAK
  Thank you to all those students who have returned their Sports Trophy from last season already. For those who haven't please search them out and bring up to the Sports Department asap. Thanks