Notices -

Tuesday 2nd of July, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Orchestra and Irish Band S2 Tue 2 Jul Interval/Lunch SLA
  Orchestra and Irish Band are cancelled this week due to School Production

Year 11 Construction Academy 2025 In front of the library Wed 3 Jul 09:50 MOC
  Can all the year 11 students who are interested in joining the construction academy in 2025 please meet outside the library on Wednesday morning at the start of period 2. This is during your usual assembly period.

We will do a tour of the construction academy and this will be a chance for you to show your interest and get an understanding of what the construction academy entails.

Notices Staff
All Music lesson/group changes this week LOG
  Due to the junior production using the M Block:

Danny lessons: Moved to Z3 on Thurs & Fri of this week
Paul lessons: In the whare Wed & Thurs of this week

All other lessons: CANCELLED

All music groups: CANCELLED

Have a great holiday and keep practicing! :)
Mrs Logue

All Old and new gym open at lunchtimes KOE
  The old and new gyms will be open at lunchtime on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays this term to be used by any students. The sports shed (small shed outside by the bus bay) will be open to loan equipment out at lunchtime if you need. When in the gyms at lunch, please ensure you have your shoes and socks off, there is no eating and drinking, and make sure you leave on the first bell to get to whanau in time. At this stage the gyms will be closed Mondays and Fridays.

All Trapping LAS
  Trapping at lunchtime on Wednesday.

All trappers please go to the portacom at the start of lunch on Wednesday.

All Year 9-13 Music classes - Held in A1 this week LOG
  All Mrs Logues music classes as well whanau - in A1 all of this week, due to the junior production.

Year 12 Great Barrier Island Year 13 Camp BUR
  A reminder to all year 12 students who want to attend Year 13 camp at the beginning of next year to hand in permission slips and pay deposit to student services by Friday to confirm your place at camp. Forms and information are available at Student Services.