Notices -

Tuesday 25th of June, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All ARCHERY Old gym Thu 27 Jun 3.30 pm TEB
  ARCHERS: There will be NO practice this Thursday 27 July due to the long weekend. I will see you all on Thursday 4 July. Thanks, Mrs Tennant

All Orchestra S2 Tue 25 Jun 1.15 Das
  Orchestra practice today in S2 at lunchtime.

Notices Staff
All 40 Hour Challenge ASH
  Congratulations, you did it!! Thank you to everyone who participated and took the time to raise money for this cause. The funds you’ve raised will equip farmers to unlock underground forests, help young people learn about climate-smart agriculture, climate smart businesses, and how to keep forests healthy for years to come. You’ll provide communities with beehives to help forests thrive. You should feel so proud! If you have collected cash, please hand your money and booklet into Student Services this week.

All After School Maths Tutorials WEB
  Struggling with Maths? Need help with Homework? Wanting assistance with Numeracy? Wanting to improve your maths skills! If you are saying Yes to any of these questions, the Mathematics department run FREE after school maths tutorials every Tuesday in B3. Some of the Maths teachers are there to help you prepare for tests, help with homework, guide you through tough maths problems. Tutorials start at 3:15 and you can sty for up to an hour. No Bookings required!

All Attention students who are in Madagascar DUT
  If you are playing a role that you share with another student then please come to Traceys office in the music block at interval today so that we can work out which of the matinee shows you are doing.

All Choir - Cancelled this week LOG
  Cancelled due to production using M Block on Thursday :)

All Coloured flags flying on the flag pole. RHO
  Coloured flags will be flying under our New Zealand flag for a week after an inter house event. The flags will be flying in order of placing for that particular house event. You will be able to see what event the flags are flying for if you look at our electronic display board at the start of the car turning area near the main office. The overall results for the Futsal last week are 1st = Blue, 2nd = Purple and Red, 4th = Green, 5th = Orange and 6th = Yellow.

All Confiscated Clothing HKI
  Please come and collect your confiscated clothing and shoes from the Tui Room at the end of day FRIDAY. After Friday, any remaining items will be donated.

All Irish Band - Cancelled today LOG
  No Irish band on today. Keep up the practice and see you next term! :)

All Lost Property PRU
  Lost property will be displayed outside Student Services this week. There are LOTS of items from the pool/PE area including togs/towels so if you have misplaced anything please come and take a look - it will be recycled at the end of the term

All Music Lesson Changes this Week LOG
  Music lesson changes as follows: due to Production using the Music Department on Thursday.

Steven: Thursday lessons swapped to Wednesday this week
Jenny: Thursday lessons swapped to Wednesday this week
Danny: Thursday lessons will be swapped to Wednesday this week
Paul: Thursday lessons cancelled this week. Next week they are in the Whare.

All Old and new gym open at lunchtimes KOE
  The old and new gyms will be open at lunchtime on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays this term to be used by any students. The sports shed (small shed outside by the bus bay) will be open to loan equipment out at lunchtime if you need. When in the gyms at lunch, please ensure you have your shoes and socks off, there is no eating and drinking, and make sure you leave on the first bell to get to whanau in time. At this stage the gyms will be closed Mondays and Fridays.

All Pacifica students attending Matariki this Thursday THA
  Your permission slips need to be in on Wednesday please.
No exceptions. No slip. No trip.

All Trapping LAS
  Trapping is on Wednesday at lunch time.

All trappers please report to the portacom at the start of lunch on Wednesday.

Junior School Year 7 & 8 Assembly ASH
  Yr 7 & 8 - Pd 5 - Please leave your bags under the seats.

Senior School Strapping session VDE
  Strapping session – Rugby players are invited to a session with a physio on how to do basic strapping (knees, ankles, etc) – Thursday lunch time in B9. All welcome.