Notices -

Thursday 20th of June, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Have another Go at Pickleball... this Friday New Gym Fri 21 Jun 1.15pm JAK
  Due to popular demand - Pickleball is back this Friday for any students or staff that want to give it a Go. Come to the new gym at lunchtime this Friday. It's great FUN!

Notices Staff
All 40 hour challenge GRI
  The climate crisis affects us all, but our Asia-Pacific neighbours are feeling it first. Kids in Timor-Leste are caught between extreme storms, droughts and rising seas. The good news? A solution is literally at our feet. Choose a challenge to complete for 40 hours over 21st - 23rd June, and ask your friends & family to sponsor you. It's that simple! Stuck for ideas? Check out our Challenge ideas resource.

Join the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge now and together, we can regreen our future. You can be part of a global movement, working with nature to restore forests – fast. We’ll partner with frontline communities to unlock our planet’s underground forest using Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR). For kids in Timor-Leste, who’ve lost 90% of their original forests, this would be a total game changer. You in?

All Confiscated Clothing HKI
  Please come and collect your confiscated clothing and shoes from the Tui Room at the end of day FRIDAY. You have this Friday and next Friday before remaining items will be donated.

All Hauraki Exchange - Final meeting/practise today at lunch BLL
  Can all students attending the Hauraki exchange please attend today's meeting at lunch time in the HALL.

Junior School Interhouse Futsal for the year 7 & 8 GIRLS is TODAY RHO
  Interhouse Futsal is on TODAY for years 7 & 8 Girls at lunchtime in the GYM.

Junior School Junior Council GRI
  Could all Junior council members meet with Miss Griffiths in Z5 at the start of lunch.

Junior School Purple house girls futsal LOL
  Kia ora Y7/8 Purple House girls! Please come to the gym today at lunch to help us secure our win over the other houses! I especially want to see:
Piper Lees
Madeleine Thomson
Chloe Kidd-Jung
Nikita Phillips
Belle Johnstone-Reid

Year 12 Great Barrier Camp BUR
  This is a reminder to all Year 12 students who want to attend Great Barrier Island Camp next year to collect a permission slip from Student Services and pay the deposit ASAP to confirm your place. You do not want the fear of missing out on an amazing experience.