Notices -

Wednesday 15th of May, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All 1st XI Girls Football - meeting at interval Old Gym Wed 15 May Interval KOE
  The 1st XI girls football team have a meeting in the old gym at interval to be issued training jackets and trackpants. First in, first served for sizing.

  Please check your school e-mail to find my e-mail about the EARLY GROUP time from 3.30 to 4.15 pm. If you did NOT receive my e-mail, please come and see me in C2 at morning tea or lunchtime. Mrs Tennant, Archery Manager.

  Please check your school e-mail to find my e-mail about the LATE group time from 4.15 to 5 pm. If you did NOT get an e-mail, please see me in C2 at morning tea or lunchtime. Mrs Tennant, Archery Manager.

All Waterpolo training Pool Fri 17 May 1:15 LOL
  Kia ora both waterpolo teams! Training is on this Friday at lunchtime please be prompt & ready to get started.

Middle school team - your game is on Friday & we will be leaving school in the vans @4PM - make sure you have everything prepared for the game including wearing your Mahu sports shirt to the van & warm cloths to get into after.

Year 13 University Guide Online Tue 14 May N/A MCL
  A university guide has been produced for Year 13s and is available on the Year 13 Google Classroom. It contains information about scholarships, halls of residence and application processes including timelines and how to write a personal statement.

Notices Staff
All Football Referees BOW
  Any Football players interested in helping referee the Snells Beach Primary Interschool Football event on Wednesday 29 May, please email your interest to Miss Bowles at [email protected], or come and see me in Z12.

All No Haka practice today RHO
  No Haka practice today - due to the rain. However, we will replace it with one tomorrow.

All Old and new gym open at lunchtimes KOE
  The old and new gyms will be open at lunchtime on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays this term to be used by any students. The sports shed (small shed outside by the bus bay) will be open to loan equipment out at lunchtime if you need. When in the gyms at lunch, please ensure you have your shoes and socks off, there is no eating and drinking, and make sure you leave on the first bell to get to whanau in time. At this stage the gyms will be closed Mondays and Fridays.

All Pink Shirt Day HUT
  Friday 17 May is NZ's Pink Shirt Day. It is a national day where we act together to stand for being kind, being inclusive and to stand together against bullying. This Friday students have the option to wear a pink shirt. However students MUST STILL WEAR uniform pants/skirts/jackets, shoes and socks. Please turn up in a Pink Shirt to stand up against bullying.
The Prefect team

All Trapping is cancelled today LAS
  Trapping is cancelled due to weather.

Watch for notices about trapping next week.

All Year 11 Drama DUT
  Please go to the library period 5 today for your lesson.

Junior School Y7/8 Girls Football Zone Day BRG
  Any Y7/8 Girls wanting to play in the girls football zone day team please sign your name on the sign up sheet on the sports board.

Middle School Assembly ASH
  Year 9 & 10 - Pd 1 - Go to your Pd class first, take the roll, then go to the hall with your teacher. Leave your bags in your classroom and at the end of assembly go back and collect them.

Senior School Assembly ASH
  Year 11, 12 & 13 - Pd 2 - Please leave your bags outside under cover.

Senior School Netball player needed BLL
  Any senior students interested in playing Netball this season. We need one or two more players for a North Harbour team that plays on a Saturday morning. If you are interested please come to see Mrs Ball in the sports office.