Notices -

Monday 13th of May, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Irish Band S2 Tue 14 May Morning Tea SLA
  Irish Band rehearsal is in S2 on Tuesday at Morning Tea

All Orchestra S2 Tue 14 May Lunch/Whanau SLA
  Orchestra rehearsal on at lunchtime in S2 on Tuesday

Junior School Enviro Club K9 Tue 21 May lunchtime RIV
  Please can everyone in Enviro Club meet in K9 at lunchtime on Tuesday.

Year 9 Whanau Assembly Hall Mon 13 May 13:55 SHM
  All Year 9s to line up outside the hall directly after lunch for Whanau Assembly

Notices Staff
All Diversity Group HUT
  We are starting up the 2024 Diversity Group. This is for you if you are curious about or identify with the Rainbow community and want to spend time with your peers. Come along, meet others and hang out.
On June 16th, we will take a small group to the LIL Gay Out at Hobsonville Point Secondary. If you are interested, come along to our meeting.
We are meeting: Tues 14th May, lunchtime in B1.
Ms Hutton

All Late Sign Ins HKI
  Please remember to sign in at the Tui Room if you arrive late to school - EVEN IF YOU ARRIVE AT INTERVAL OR BETWEEN CLASSES.

All Netball North Harbour Year 7-9 Umpires HAD
  Can all umpires please come to a meeting in J8 at interval today.

All Old and new gym open at lunchtimes KOE
  The old and new gyms will be open at lunchtime on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays this term to be used by any students. The sports shed (small shed outside by the bus bay) will be open to loan equipment out at lunchtime if you need. When in the gyms at lunch, please ensure you have your shoes and socks off, there is no eating and drinking, and make sure you leave on the first bell to get to whanau in time. At this stage the gyms will be closed Mondays and Fridays.

Junior School Y7 & Y8 Boys Football Zone Day PAU
  All Year 7 & 8 Boys who have been selected for the Football zone days this week need to attend a meeting in Z13 on Monday at lunch.

Senior School Ball Dresses and Suits JES
  We have lovely ball dresses and a few suits that students can hire from us (for free) for the Ball. Some have never been worn. The only condition is that they are dry cleaned on return. Go to A4, Friday 17th May at lunch time.

Senior School Netball player needed BLL
  Any senior students interested in playing Netball this season. We need one or two more players for a North Harbour team that plays on a Saturday morning. If you are interested please come to see Mrs Ball in the sports office.